Hospital bag check list for pregnancy

Hospital Bag Check list for Delivery of baby| What to pack?

If you or your partner is pregnant and the delivery date is near by than you should think of keeping a ready bag with items for hospital .But one thing will come in your mind what do I need in my hospital bag for delivery ?
Danger signs after Pregnancy

2022 DANGER SIGNS AFTER DELIVERY(for mother and baby)

Danger sign after delivery of the baby to be taken care of. A balanced diet, adequate intake of water, and Iron - Calcium supplementation should be continued.
What is UTI and what are the sign and symptoms of UTIin pregnancy

Urinary infections(UTI) During Pregnancy

1.0 What is UTI A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of your urinary system — bladder,urethra kidneys and ureters. Mostly infections involve the lower...

GETTING PREGNANCY AFTER 35 YEARS: What are the chances.

As the age advances, quality of egg and quality of sperm decreases. Thus pregnancy after 35 yr of age has many complications and require special care.
Exercises for normal delivery

What are the exercises for normal delivery ?

Exercise during pregnancy is very helpful and essential. It is based on trimester of pregnancy and will help you to have easy and less painful normal delivery.
What is miscarriage what are the sign and symptoms of Miscarriage


गर्भपात के संकेत और लक्षण By the term Miscarriage we mean spontaneous loss of fetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy.About 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.Most miscarriages are due to some...
How much vaginal bleeding is normal in early pregnancy?


प्रेग्नन्सी में ब्लीडिंग क्यों होता है । About 15-30% of females experience vaginal bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy. Light bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy is common and...
Exercise to avoid during Pregnancy

What are the Exercises to be avoided in Pregnancy

Exercise and yoga are necessary in relieves mind and body. Heavy exercises must be avoided for healthy and stress free pre and post delivery life.
ultrasound in pregnancy

Ultrasounds During Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know

Ultrasound is an imaging technique and is done in pregnancy to see various things like development of baby in womb of mother.
how to calculate fertile period


Right timing of sex for getting pregnant is the most important thing you should understand. If you are trying for pregnancy you should know your fertile window or the...
What is pregnancy test how it is done

What is Pregnancy test called ?

Pregnancy test helps you to know whether you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy test are done by two method blood test or urine test to know beta HCG.

HORMONAL (Levonorgestrel)IUD ? What is Mirena ?

Hormonal Levonorgestrel IUDs are long-term reversible contraceptive method that also decreases heavy menstrual bleeding
Leg cramp during Pregnancy


Leg cramps are common in pregnancy. They usually occurs in second and third trimester of pregnancy and are characterized by severe pain in calf muscles and foot.
Cholestasis of Pregnancy

Cholestasis of Pregnancy

Cholestatis of pregnancy is a liver disorder. It impairs the liver function by increasing the liver enzymes resulting itching in the absence of skin rash.