You will have a normal vaginal delivery or a cesarean section , this can not be predicted beforehand, because normal delivery depends on multiple reasons when a women can land up in cesarean section.But adopting and following certain things life style things will increase the chances of your normal delivery.This article will answer you question ”How to increase chances of normal delivery”.
1. Attend Prenatal Classes:
Attending Prenatal or Antenatal classes are very useful. It helps a pregnant women to get aware of the course of normal labour. The problems that may arise during delivery and how to handle them.Some exercises are also taught to have an easy, less painful childbirth. So these classes educate you about the process of delivery and helps get you a clear mindset.This article will provide painless normal delivery tips during pregnancy

2. Regular Exercises

One things comes in our mind does regular exercise helps in labor.Exercise can do wonders for you during your pregnancy. Regular exercise for normal delivery is beneficial. It helps to prepare you for childbirth by strengthening your muscles, relaxing your ligaments and increasing breathing capacity of lungs..
Benefits of Antenatal Exercises
- Improves your stamina ans breathing capacity of lungs which will help during your labour pains.
- Beneficial effects on course and outcome of labour.
- Improving circulation for mother and baby
- More controlled weight gain in pregnancy
- Reduces backaches
- Improves your mood
- Prevent poor posture of body during pregnancy
- Helps to sleep better
- Helps in constipation, abdominal bloating
- Speeds up postnatal recovery and helps to get you back in shape
Sustainability is the key.Do the exercises regularly and daily that are taught in the prenatal classes. The most important thing is you should exercise under the supervision of a yoga expert. Exercises done incorrectly can harm mother and baby as well.
3.Maintain A Healthy Diet:

During pregnancy, diet is very important. You should have a healthy and balanced diet.This is important for you as well as for the growth and developement of baby.If you are having a nutritious diet with all the nutrients,it will strengthen your body.You will be able to face the labor pains more easily and without getting tired.
Have a healthy and balanced diet with all the nutrients in adequate quantity
- Have lots of green leafy vegetables to build up your iron stores
- Eat atleast two type of seasonal fruits in a day
- Avoid processed and packaged food
- Maintain a healthy weight as excess weight gain can decrease the chance of normal delivery.
Also watch: What Diet should you take during pregnancy ?
4. Get Adequate Sleep
Early to bed and early to rise,makes a woman healthy,wealthy and wise
In pregnancy, you should have atleast 8 hours of sleep at night and 1-2 hour of short nap in afternoon.Avoid late nights.Getting good sleep at night will benefit in proper growth of baby.It will also keep your mind calm.Sound sleep helps in relieving the tiredness of the whole day.A good leg massage before sleeping will also help in sound sleep.Avoid tea or coffee before going to bed.
5. Right Breathing Techniques:
During the labor pains, you will be needing to hold your breath and push the baby out.For this you should have a good lung capacity.So start some breathing exercises as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.Proper and sufficient oxygen supply to lungs of mother is important for growth of baby.
Regularly practice meditation and breathing exercises ( both deep breathing and shallow breathing).This will help you to get a better chance of normal delivery.
6. Drink Plenty of Water
You should have atleast 10-12 glasses of water everyday. This will ensure the proper hydrartion of your body.Adequate water intake will also prevent you from urinary tract infections which are very common in pregnancy.
Also read: What is UTI and what are the reasons for UTI in pregnancy ?
Pains are associated with normal delivery. But think of the cute and sweet outcome that you will have after all these pains.This will help you psychologically to bear all the pains.Enjoy every moment of your journey from pregnancy to childbirth to motherhood.
7. Summary
The following tips will help you prepare for a normal delivery and experience the wonderful experience of childbirth:
- Choose a right doctor,have faith in your doctor. Visit your doctor regularly for check ups.Discuss all your queries. this helps in building doctor-patient relationship.
- Do your prenatal exercises regularly.
- Be motivated for a normal delivery.Dont be afraid of labor pains.
- Keep a watch on your weight.
Don’t pressurize your doctor for normal delivery if some complication arises.At the end safety of both mother and baby matters whatever be the mode of delivery.
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