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Babies can not get flu vaccine until they are 6 months old. When you receive flu vaccine during pregnancy, the protective antibodies made in your body due to this vaccine are transferred to your baby till he/she receives their flu vaccine. Consult your Gynecologists’ for your dose of flu vaccine if you are pregnant.
Read Also: Influenza or Flu Vaccine during Pregnancy
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Winter care tips in pregnancy!

Pregnant women face many problems during winter seasons. It is very much essential to take care of their health and skin to avoid any long term health problems. In this article we will discuss how to Survive Winter During Pregnancy.
8 Winter care tips for pregnant women.
- Chilly winters bring common cold, infections, cough, fever. So take care of yourself
- Boost your immunity levels by eating healthy foods like spinach, broccoli, amla, ginger, garlic, almonds, milk.. Take vit C rich foods and nutritious and balanced diet.
- Pregnant women should take Flu Vaccine as the immunity system gets a bit weak in pregnancy.
- Excessive cold may make you fall sick especially at high pollution levels. Try to stay indoors. When you step out wear enough woolens to keep you warm.
- In winters we often forget to drink water and it can lead to urine infection. So stay hydrated by taking 10-12 glasses of water.
- Indulge in some light exercises like walk, simple yoga.. This will keep your body warm.
- Coconut oil can be applied on dry and cracked skin.
- Don’t self medicate if you have fever or cold. Consult your doctor.