What is Vestibular Hypofunction?

Part of Inner ear and brain system is  vestibular system

The vestibular system processes the sensory information which controls balance and eye movements

Causes of vestibular hypofunction?



-Inner ear problems, 

-Head injury, blood clots or tumours

-Labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis


-Calcium debris in  semicircular canals

Common vestibular system disorders

– Benign paroxysmal positional      vertigo – Labyrinthitis or vestibular      neuritis – Age-related dizziness &      imbalance – Vestibular damage due to head injury – Secondary endolymphatic      hydrops – Perilymph fistula

Less common vestibular system disorders

– Acoustic neuroma – Bilateral vestibular      hypofunction – Ototoxicity – Neurotoxic vestibulopathy – Autoimmune inner ear disease – Cholesteatoma – Persistent Postural      Perceptual Dizziness 

Common Symptoms of Vestibular Hypofunction

-Vertigo, nausea, poor balance, dizziness

-Struggle to walk 

-Feeling of motion when things move quickly.

Can vestibular hypofunction be cured?

There's no cure, but you may be able to manage symptoms with medications and vestibular rehabilitation

How is vestibular hypofunction treated?

-Combined use of gaze stabilization exercises

-Exercises that encourage the substitution of visual and somatosensory information.

How can Physiotherapy help?

Customized exercise will help reduce the problem

Can you drive with vestibular hypofunction?

Driving can be dangerous for many of us who have a vestibular disorder

Is vestibular hypofunction permanent?

Some of the signs and symptoms resulting from BVH diminish over time

How do you test for vestibular hypofunction?

Rotatory Chair Test. Head Impulse Test (HIT) Vesitbular-Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)Dynamic Visual Acuity Test (DVA) Torsion Swing Test.

How do the Vestibular Hypofunction treated ?